Question1 Is any daily maintenance required for PSF series?

Question2 Can I use an existing spiral plater with PSF series?

Question3 Can I use a saved image for remeasurement?

Question4 How to do manual count correction?

Question5 Is it possible to automatically generate a report?

Question6 How many inhibition zones can be measured?

Question7 Is it possible to measure even if the inhibition zone is an ellipse?

Question8 Is it possible to measure all the colonies in the entire petri dish?

Question9 Is it possible to measure even in a medium that does not transmit light?

Question10 Is it possible to save the original images?

Question11 Do you have a validation plate? Will a calibration certificate be issued?

Question12 Is there an autofocus function?

Question13 Does PSF series support LIMS connection?


We will exhibit Automatic colony counters at ifia 2024, International Food Ingredients/Additives Exhibition. From 22 to 24, May 2024.

Tokyo Bigsight South Hall. Stand No. 1332

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